Edward Elgar: Aldershot, 1999, 140 pages. (English translation of Der Staat im Bankwesen....)
Does anyone know what the landesbanks are? No, they are not the branches of the Bundesbank. They are the central banks of the länder - the German states. The landesbanks are public banks and they operate in the same areas of banking as the private banks. The landesbanks are not only some of the biggest banks in Germany, they also dominate the German international banking sector. Protected by the German taxpayers' seemingly bottomless pockets, they are able to take part in financing the very biggest projects anywhere in the world. They are Germany's global players in the international financial markets.
Publication details
"The German State Banks. Global Players in the International Financial Markets"
by Hans-Werner Sinn
Publication date: December 1999
Hardback, 140 pages
ISBN 1-84064-021-9
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Order via www.amazon.de