Aktuelles 2022

Archive News

The Guardian: Will Germany’s energy policy lead to economic failure?

Despite ambitious green goals, the country’s over-reliance on Russian gas has forced it back to coal and expensive imports Read more

Venture Capital Magazin: "We should not destroy all our options"

The world is in a permanent state of crisis. Former ifo president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn on possible ways out.Read more

The Jordan Times: The ECB Has Been Driving EU Inflation

The ECB denies that it bears any responsibility for the eurozone’s current inflation struggles, pointing the finger at COVID-19 and Vladimir Putin. But there is good reason to believe that the ECB contributed significantly to rising prices.Read on

Aby bylo jasno: Bude Německo solidární s Českou republikou, jak věří Petr Fiala? Samo stojí před krachem. A euro?

Víte, že německá ekonomika, na které jsme přímo závislí, má zásadní energetické potíže a je v krizi?Watch the video

L'Echo: "Il n'est plus possible d'aider les gens sans alimenter l'inflation"

L'Allemagne se porte mal et risque d'entraîner ses partenaires dans son sillage. Les raisons sont multiples, notamment la pandémie et les prix élevés de l'énergie, mais pour l'économiste allemand Hans-Werner Sinn, les maux sont bien plus profonds que ça.Read more

The Jordan Times: The End of the EU’s Free Lunch

For many years, the European Central Bank was able to print money to purchase member states’ government debt without having to worry about causing high inflation.Read more

The Jordan Times: How Global Food Crises Work

As if the immediate food shortages created by Russia’s war in Ukraine were not bad enough, the disruption to this year’s harvest means that the problem will become even more acute in the fall and winter.Read more

The Asset: Germany's Russian gas energy transition fiasco

In both the short and the long term, Germany will be unable to end Russian gas imports without triggering economic chaos, public outrage and opposition from many firms.Read more

Jordan Times: Green Nuclear Power

By allowing the European Central Bank to intervene directly and deeply in capital markets, the EU's approach to climate change is violating basic principles of sound economic policymaking. Read more